The timeline for this Workshop will be:

November 2008: First Steering Committee Meeting

January - early March 2009: Initial Subcommittee meetings at locations chosen by the Subcommittee Chair. Only Subcommittee members and the appointed SC liaison will attend these meetings. The Subcommittees will discuss and outline in detail their objectives.

March 15, 2009: First outlines will be due from the Subcommittees

April 15, 2009: Very detailed outlines will be due from the Subcommittees

May 2009: A plenary session of all Workshop participants will be held on the Friday and Saturday morning immediately after the ARVO meeting.

September 15: Rough draft reports due: Additional Subcommittee meetings may be held to help finalize the Subcommittee draft reports.

December 2009: Final Workshop reports will be due. The target date for publication of the report will be the Spring of 2010.

Workshop Symposia will be planned for ARVO, EVER, the 2010 TFOS Conference and at other times.